
By Skysea7


Not exciting photos but I just wanted a record of it.  There is a large amount of foreground in the photos, which normally I would crop - but they show the amount of space in the room.  This was the 'wait 15 minutes afterwards' room.  The photos don't capture the enormous size of the room.  Everyone was sitting so still and quietly it felt like a scene from a science fiction film. The man in the maroon top was the room 'host' and was continually sanitising the spaced out chairs as people left them. He asked every person when they stood up to leave how they felt.

I didn't feel too well so he said 'I'll get you a clinician'.  Within what seemed like seconds, suddenly there were THREE nurses striding towards me!  They established I didn't have anaphylactic shock and sentenced me to a further 10 minutes waiting!

I checked on my medical records afterwards and it was all recorded.  I had wanted the Oxford vaccine but there was no choice!  I have shown the complete record but erased the name of the vaccinator.

"23 January 2021
St Austell Healthcare (General Practice) - (name of vaccinator)
Vaccination - COVID-19 mRNA Vac BNT162b2 30mcg/0.3ml conc for susp for inj multidose vials (Pfizer-BioNTech) 1 
Coded entry - Administration of first dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (Y29e7) "

I was amused on entry because the lady showing people in (we had to stand near the walls spaced out in a large room until we could move forward to the reception desk) had a hi-viz waistcoat on but when she turned around it said 'WALK LEADER' on the back of it.  I asked her about it and she said 'Oh it was donated'.  A reminder of how some parts of the NHS still seem to be tied together with string and volunteers!

I haven't posted recently as all my time has been taken up trying to buy a replacement car - my car totally failed its MOT - it looks good from the outside but is being eaten away  underneath by rust.  The cost of the welding is just too much.  I'm trying to sell it on Ebay as its one that some car enthusiasts might want.  I have now ordered my next car but not yet got a delivery date.

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