
It was a late start for our walk as I was awake at 4.30 am listening to Scott Fitzgerald’s lesser known short stories on BBC Sounds with the result that I slept in till 8 am.

We headed over the hill to the Alnwick road (lots of cars on essential journeys to Rothbury), Debdon, Primrose Cottage, Rickety Gate, Blue Mill, round the moor and home via upper carriage drive through the woods. An icy 6.5 mile slither but it was wonderfully sunny all the way.

As fellow-Blipper Daver pointed out, it’s not addicted to crochet - I must be hooked. I
Must be getting slow for that not to have clicked.

I dreamt last night a sewage works was getting built outside our house. I complained to the relevant authority and they sent me a scented candle in a blue metal holder as compensation.

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