
By Mindseye

Snowy scene

We woke, after another good nights sleep, to a hard white frost this morning. We both ready for a cuppa! I toddled downstairs around 8.30 then reappeared with a breakfast tray. It was cornflakes, banana on toast & a bowl of fresh fruit and yogurt & 2 teas of course!

Hub felt a bit off for a little while after breakfast but it soon passed. I was up and showered first, then downstairs to do a few chores before hub emerged. The nurse arrived for his jab....no, sadly not "the" jab!! Hub was impressed though, didn't feel a thing, told her she could come again lol!

I popped out in the car for our Sunday treat, two Costas, suitably anti bac'd.......we did enjoy them! Lunch today was cheese & onion on toast for hub, I used up a couple of sausages in a toasted sandwich.

Have made a couple of chicken & mushroom pies with some left over chicken, they are now in the freezer. Hub saw a roast chicken recipe in the Sunday magazine today, roasted with a whole apple stuffed in the cavity, rubbed with seasalt, oregano, lemon rind, garlic and olive oil.....given it a go, just put it in the oven. Will be served later with roasties, carrots, sugar snap peas and gravy.

I have to confess that todays blip, although taken today, was not taken by me, but sent by middle son, whilst out for a morning yomp in snowy Congleton. Olivia & Isabella are such outdoorsy little girls, at 5&7 they will happily walk miles. Todays snow storm image was created by DiL, shaking the bough of a tree.
I love it, so had to share it!!

Hub had a long face time session with daughter mid afternoon, whilst I was in the kitchen, then upstairs filling a charity clothes bag for collection in the morning. A couple of pairs of hubs older jeans have been donated as they are way too big around the waist now. I think he will need quite a few new pairs of jeans/chinos once Spring arrives! A few of my tops have gone in too, size 16 is too big these days ;-)

My team v Liverpool on tv shortly, hope its a better game that the league match earlier this week! Must say how well Cheltenham played last night v Man City, they were unlucky and put up a great fight.

Just noticed its 4.40 and still quite light.... it was for 8.30 this morning too! Spring is just around the corner.

Another new week, another week nearer the vaccine and the end of this long saga we all find ourselves in. Stay safe everyone.

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