Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Dust gatherer

Binoculars made in Edinburgh. A "Must clean these up" project for the past ten years. I found a video on Youtube which demonstrates how to take them apart; trouble is, would they go back together?

Time for a cold day smile, listen in at the back.

A frog hopped onto the counter of a West Australian Bank in Perth. The teller's name tag read "Paddy Wack." "What can I do for you?" she asked the frog. "I want to borrow $A30,000 so I can take Mrs Frog on a cruise."
"What do you have as collateral?"
"This" and he placed a small, pink, ceramic elephant, correct in every detail on the counter.
"That's a little unusual, do you know anybody who could stand surety for you?"
"Well my dad's Mick Jagger!" said the proud frog.
"I see, wait there I'll go and talk to the manager about this."
Paddy went into the office, leant against the wall and said, "You are not going to believe this, but there's a frog outside who wants to borrow $A30,000 against this pink elephant and he says his dad is Mick Jagger."

The manager looked at the elephant, picked it up and said,

"It's a knick knack Paddy Wack, give the frog a loan, his old man's a Rolling Stone."

Have a nice evening. :-)

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