Do it yourself!

It must have snowed a little overnight as the road was pretty white this morning. Mrs M needed to buy a few things and we thought it better to leave the car at home as the road had obviously not been gritted. Memories of sliding down the hill last year and hitting a lamp post! We walked down the hill, keeping to the black bits where the cars had been, or the untrodden snow where nobody had been!
At the junction at the bottom of our road we get a view between the houses down the Sound of Mull and today the Lismore lighthouse was lit up in the sun and the ‘Isle of Lewis’ was chugging in from the Isle of Barra.
I took too many pictures, as usual, and though sad to see a business in trouble and having to shut shops – or maybe one of them in this case – I was a little amused to see a letting agency with a sign in the window letting its own shop. I think business is continuing in another part of the town.
My extra shows another sign for another purpose!
Quote of the Day:
Carol Rifka Brunt  - “There’s just something beautiful about walking on snow that nobody else has walked on. It makes you believe you’re special.”

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