By lizzie_birkett

Yellow Bums!

The sheep were ready for their brekkie!
We were told when we adopted our Bella May that she had some Romanian sheepdog in her but I don't think she has. She doesn't have even the slightest interest in sheep and doesn't look their way when we walk past. However, rabbits, squirrels and anything that scurries and she's off! I think she has hunting dog in her.

I spent most of today in the kitchen, I baked bread, a bakewell tart and some digestive biscuits (thanks Eunice!) I had to improvise with the biscuits as it said honey so I used a bit of golden syrup and some maple syrup. They're really good :-b

It was like spring outside this afternoon and Bella had her 'day bed' outside. I think it may be cold and wet in the next few days.

The tea that was spilt on the cream carpet the other day has left horrible stains even though we washed it twice. I told Sabrina (my cleaning guru!) and she said,
'Did you not get that Dr Beckman's carpet cleaner I told you about ages ago?'
'No, I forgot.'
'Oh, Mum! You should always have it in the house for such accidents!
Dear me, that's me told. I think we've role changed! Anyway, she has ordered me some next day delivery so it will be here tomorrow. It means we don't have to go to a dreaded shop.

Now I'm going to watch my favourite history presenter - Lucy Worsley, I have one recorded and she's on again tonight. Also The Great and Finding Alice. Sunday telly is good these days.

Enjoy your evening. :-)X

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