Walking on (Sand) Water

A fine sunny morning, and then showers after lunch.  A calm evening, and the odd shower, getting frosty though. 

Ended up having a glass of wine, and more last night, and felt hellish this morning, so stayed a bit longer in bed! Never again!! After lunch, I headed to meet friend Helen's (Sim) new puppy, in her garden.  Sammy wasn't too interested.  Working early in the shop this evening.   More walkies with Sammy, and then feet up and NO wine!!  No Covid-19 cases recorded today, hope it stays that way now!! 

After seeing Helen, we stopped off for a brisk walk with Sammy.   Such a lovely afternoon, but it's cold, that cold that the loch was frozen over.  This Swan had to walk over the ice, before meeting his pals at the small open patch that they had broken through.  Taken at Sandwater Loch.  

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