pebble underneath my feet

By anjali

but my name ain't Dorothy, these ain't ruby shoes

Since our shower started becoming unreliable a few months ago, I've been converted to having baths every night. For 30 years I have hated baths - the wrinkly skin, the problem of how to get rid of all the bubbles, what do you do once you're just lying there....well, what can I say, none of this bothers me any more - in fact, it's become the one part of my day I look forward to every day. Actually, it's probably the second thing I look forward to the most, after my daily bowl of granola, fruit and honey in the morning.

I am such a champion.

I even took my camera into the bath, which felt stranger than I imagined. It was a bit steamy as you can see, but I quite like the effect it's created.

I will try and lead a more exciting, "livin on the edge" lifestyle tomorrow, I promise.

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