
By Freyjad

Top Robin

This little fellow isn't as sweet as he looks, I saw four Robins all in the same area this morning but as far as I could make out this the one that seems determined to claim the territory.  As soon as any of the others came close he was after them like a shot and then he'd return to this branch which obviously has some significance for him.  I spent a nice hour or so watching the comings and goings of the small birds down at Cromwell Bottom;  it wasn't as busy as usual but then it was very cold so I suppose they conserve their energy when they can.   I could hear the tantalising call of a Treecreeper but unfortunately I didn't manage to spot it.  I now have to give my boots a good clean, I stepped on some ice this morning which gave way and buried my foot up to the ankle in sludge.

Thank you for stopping by, it's much appreciated and many thanks for the response to yesterday's blip.

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