For today

These are some CDs that we bought during lockdown. Actually I say 'we', but only one was bought by Gordon, you might be able to guess which one.

Yes, we still play CDs and still like them. I also feel that in buying CDs at this time we are helping, in a small way, all the poor musicians who have not been able to appear live for a long, long time and who are treated so abysmally by the streaming systems. It makes me feel a bit better anyway to be paying for music and helping the music industry in these difficult times.

The one I am featuring today is 'Homecoming: A Scottish Fantasy' by Nicola Benedetti and the Scottish Symphony Orchestra. The track I wanted is a tune that I love, Phil Cunningham's 'The Gentle Light That Wakes Me'. Ali Bain plays this at every Phil and Ali concert we go to (and we've been to many!), but I suddenly heard it on the Radio played with two violins - Ali Bain and Nicola Benedetti. I tracked it down to this album and I really like the whole CD. Lots of Scottish melodies and links with Burns. 

One of the most beautiful tunes ever: 

The Gentle Light That Wakes Me

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