Here we go again – Day 22

The most exciting thing I've done today is sit and wait patiently outside Sainsbury's?!! I'm ever such a good little collie when Ann wants to pop into a shop. (She only ever leaves me if she just wants one or two things. It's not like she leaves me sitting outside while she does her weekly shop?!) I just sit in good dog mode and then I give her such a nice greeting when she comes back to me. Lot's of people walk past me and comment on how well I'm waiting so Ann is always very proud of me.

However, Ann is a bit paranoid about where she leaves me. Before lock down she never used to leave me tied up anywhere because she was worried that someone would steal me. She's still worried that someone will steal me, but she's learning not to be so paranoid. Now that most of the shops have security/staff on the door counting people in, they're usually more than happy to keep an eye on me. Quite often Ann will come out of the shop and find the staff member and a couple of other people making a fuss of me. Totally ignoring the social distancing rules!!

Today I had to sit outside Sainsbury's at 8.10am. Ann has discovered that Sainsbury's sell really nice sour-dough bread in their bakery dept, but it's only available if you get there early. Ann always has toast for breakfast and she always gives me two little bits, so I was more than happy to sit and wait, because my two little bits of toast every morning are a lot more yummy than my boring dry food!!

Weather has been horrible today. I've had three walks but they haven't been very exciting walks because it's been mizzly and drizzly and raining for most of the day.


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