Here we go again – Day 23

Happy 80th Birthday Val

We've had a bit of a busy day today. …...............To be honest it wouldn't have been busy in 'normal' times but who can even remember what 'normal' times are? These days if Ann does anything apart from walk me and sit on the sofa watching TV, she calls it a busy day.............................

Anyway today it was Ann's friend, Val's 80th Birthday. Ann first met Val in 1984 when they both taught at the same primary school together. And here they are, 37 years later. Still friends.

Val lives about 4 miles away from us so Ann said, 'Trixie, we will walk to Val's house and drop off her pressies and then we will walk to Susi's (our support bubble) for lunch.

So that is what we did.

The plan was to walk through the Hermitage to Val's house but it was very wet and mizzly and drizzly (and Ann wanted to keep me clean cos we were going to Susi's for lunch) so instead we walked along Braid Hills Drive to Liberton and that was a bit difficult cos the pavement was very icy so we had to walk on the road and I still ended up very muddy!!

Got to Val's house and it was covered in 'Happy 80th Birthday' banners and balloons. Her two sisters are her carers/support bubbles so they were ensuring that she had the bestest birthday ever. Val sat in her porch and Ann stood 2m away in the rain outside and they had a chat.

Then we walked another mile to Susi's house for lunch.

…..................And on the mile and a half walk home...................... guess who we met?..................... My little friend Archie, the Schnauzer. He woofed at me. Actually all Schnauzers woof at me. Must be a Schnauzer thing. Ann said it was really lovely to meet his owners though. …............When do you think we will ever be able to actually spend time with our friends again?

Home now and my dinner has been out for me for about half an hour but I'm in my bed having a snooze. Walking more than six and a half miles today and not having any sleep time has exhausted me me.

See you all tomorrow. Toodles. xxx


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