Digging for gold

This morning I had a zoom with a mentor of mine. He was the director of a local Youth for Christ centre when I was at University way back when and used to come and host our CU weekends away. He was an inspiration to me then and still is today. The last time we met up was when I had just started with SYFC and he was a curate in London. This morning was 45 mins of pure gold. You know those kind of people that speak such wisdom and joyful encouragement? JD writes a blog (yup, people still write blogs. who knew?) and occasionally writes a list of books he's been inspired by which I usually mine for pure gold. Some of the above were found on his list.

Talking of books, I think the main difference between this lockdown and last Spring is the shift from outside to inside. Last lockdown any free time I had was spent joyfully delighting in the outdoors, this time most of my free time is spent reading. I've only recently discovered Abe Books (I know, I know, late to the party) and while I've received a few new books, I'm also secretly more pleased when they are used. I love the feint underlines, exclamation marks and stars. 

Loved this from Brueggemann today: "The Bible is organised around the explosive moments when the holiness of God touches down in our midst and changes everything. Such touch-down moments are not sweet and romantic, They are not pious and religious. Rather they are moments of threat and risk, when our worlds are shattered and everything is changed."
(if this wasn't already underlined and starred in my book, it would have been after reading).

I went and delivered some groceries to our resident covid patient this afternoon and she looked really rough. I probably shouldn't have told her that though. Hopefully the cookies made up for it.

An evening of zooming with my nine year old nephew, another heartbreaking conversation with Liam, and some whatsapps to make me chuckle from bulliblips. 

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