Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

How many people is needed to throw sand at the bus stop sidewalk? That many... 
Ok, to be fair... some of them stod hacking away snow at a place were it's not needed to be removed, but most of them were just standing. 

This morning I sent an email to the person responsible for the apartment complex, at the landlord office. I explained what happened yesterday (when my neighbour landed his car in a pothole in the ice and couldn't get away on his own), what always happens at this time of year and that it is slippery and difficult to walk on even for us on foot. I explained that my neighbours car were millimetres away from being damaged, and that this has happened before.
I got a reply very quickly and he wrote that he'd contacted the people managing the ground around our apartments, and also the municipality for dealing with the road situation. Talk about getting things done! I thanked him, of course.
Not long after came a snow plough and dumped a lot of sand on the icy parts leading up to the entrance road, and then it left. Lets see how long it takes for the municipality to get there butts of their chairs!! At least there's sand there now, so it's a bit easier for the cars to get a grip on the ice.

Went out today, to do some shopping and it was so chilly outside! But, now I'm stocked up on lemons and honey. :)

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