Life's tangled skein

By atp

2019-03-28 (Day 087) Adelaide

Yet another in this short series "View From Prompt Corner"

This is Bill Hickock. WILD Bill Hickock. And all it takes to tame him is a picture on a cigarette photo card. A photo of Adelaide. She might be in a gambler's cameo, or carved in the prow of a ship... but in this case she is Adelaide Adams, a singing and dancing star from Chicago.

Calam isn't so convinced - she's just a fat, frilled-up side of undressed beef - but the men's chorus is rather more on Bill's side of the argument.

Technical note: this photo, and yesterday's, was taken with a Panasonic TZ100. The camera has the Sony 1" sensor that is also found in the Siny A100 and the Canon G7, married up to a 28-250mm (equiv) zoom. I am not completely in love with the camera, but getting this (albeit after processing) at ISO 3200 from a pocketable camera with that zoom range ain't too shabby...

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