
Visiting our son in the evening. I had promised to give him my old but beautiful poster of Aardman animations in frames. I took hubby with me, and it maybe was a mistake, as the idea was to hang the frame on to the wall.

Hubby got very anxious about the task of helping to hang the frame on to the wall. He hates drilling walls and if possible, he doesn't do that. He now took all equipment, drill and screws etc. you could imagine and bought more different kind of screws from two hardware shops on the way.
And in the end my husband and son did try to hang the frame on to the wall with only a small hook. I was surprised as I thought that kind of a hook was for concrete wall, not to soft surfaces, like this wall was... And now they were not using any of the new screws that hubby had just bought!?!
After I realized what they were doing, I asked about it but they were so sure about everything, that I gave up... Just for a second the situation looked nice, then the frame dropped down and of course broke off. Vacuuming and cleaning... The poster remained unharmed, fortunately.

Now situation is unsolved. Either we will try to hang a new frame again (without my husband or drilling), or we are going to leave the idea. I do not know. My mistake anyway, and I feel blue. Should have done everything myself in the first place. This is my kind of tasks anyway. The ugly mark on the wall was now covered with a ice-hockey shirt, which I and my son hanged with two small nails.

It has been snowing all day. +18cm new snow and continuing as I write... More and more snow is dropping from the clouds and the depth of snow is now more than 40cm.
Our daughter drove from Tampere to Helsinki for some appointments. There was quite excotic driving conditions even in highways, but she had my good car and she is skilled driver. Everything was ok.

I shot a video from highway today of the wintry world

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