
By Jen_Elliot

Fungus on A Log

So glad people are liking this.

It was taken on a walk back from Edinburgh Royal.

Had pushed for attention re my wrist, reading that you can't tell by looking or feeling if it is a sprain or a fracture and not dealing with it soon enough can cause issues later. Had secured an appointment at 2.30pm. This was about 11am. Rather suddenly I realised a bruise had appeared on my inside wrist and was spreading. My wrist and hand was swelling, there was a really unpleasant tightness in my wrist that was growing. I pressed the drama button and got my daughter to call a taxi while I was on phone to NHS 24. Taxi came and I was still talking to them. Got in it. Luckily a few mins into journey the lady I was talking to advised me to go to Edi Royal Infirmary with in the hour and I was able to confess I was on my way.

Once seen and sorted I walked home - snapped this log which caught my eye on grey day. Cold, still icy day. Maybe walking was a bit daft but felt good and got me to do some exercise. See next day's blip for update on hand.

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