Here we go again – Day 24

Two walks today. Both in the rain. Both not enjoyable for Ann. Both where I got dirty. It was horrible for my human in the park because the path was still very icy and the grass was very muddy. And just look at the HUGE puddles of melting snow that had made ponds on the grass. I still had a good time running around though and Ann says that's the most important thing.

Had to stay 'home alone' while Ann went to do a shop for Mrs R.  And we've also slobbed around binge watching three episodes of 'Safe' on Netflix. It's really good if anyone is interested.

Now we're watching 'Songs & Sundowners'.

I've gobbled up all my dinner because walking in the rain has made me hungry and Ann is wondering what she should have for her dinner. She's got eggs and mushrooms that need using up.

…...................Mushroom omelette it is then!!!


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