Mossy Marvel

When undecided what to Blip, I try to choose something that probably won't be repeated, which sometimes means that the repeatable wonders never get Blipped, like this miniature world atop our gate post.

An unrepeatable moment was at last planting the cherry tree I got as a memorial for our granddaughter, Grace, born and died on the 4th October last year. The hole for the tree was dug in November, but it's taken us this long to fill it with enough good stuff. First extra.

And then, towards the end of the day, Mike between two contrails. Second extra.

- some unexpected sunshine to charge our batteries and make beauty on our Land
- getting that cherry tree into the earth, long may it live and produce sweet cherries; plus the two carob trees, and one plum Mike also planted out today
- the sheep and lambs wandering outside the fence Mike's made, obviously enjoying the lush growth down here, and their watch dog not barking at us (her puppies have gone)

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