Bit of a cheat as I took this photo yesterday (had already posted) but have been at hospital for most of the day having a CT planning scan so haven't taken any photos.

Last night my oncologist rang with the results of my PET scan from Monday. Results were "ok". They found cancer in one more lymph node than they originally thought but it's in the same area as the other one so won't mean any changes to my treatment. Big thing is that it's not spread to my liver or lungs (which is the next place it goes apparently). So at least now we have the full picture of what we're dealing with. Hopefully from here on in there won't be any more bad news. But 'scanxiety' is a horrible thing and there's a whole lot more to go through.

Was so good to get the kids out on Jack yesterday for a little hack after school work was done. He's put on a bit of weight over the past couple of weeks but hopefully now I'm feeling a bit better we can get back to his usual activities!

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