Bit of a grizzly day weather wise. We had a hay delivery early doors and were supposed to come home straight after for a bit of warm and dry before the kids riding lesson at midday but ended up spending over an hour helping to put the fencing back up to contain the feral mare. She's had a week running with the boys in the main field and thoroughly enjoyed herself.

We had 15 mins at home to get changed into riding gear and get some snacks and hot chocolate in the kids before we went back.

Eva was not in the mood today and spent most of her lesson griping about her stirrups, the saddle, her new boots, her gloves etc, before settling on Jack 'just not feeling right'. He was behaving himself and doing everything she asked so not sure what the problem was. I think she'd made up her mind this morning she didn't want to ride today. I'd give anything to ride at the mo!

Tobes had a good lesson.

All the boys settled back in their own bit of the fields. We moved the fence a good chunk for Lime so he's happy and now in a less muddy bit of the field, which should help him recover. Hopefully everyone will stay where they are supposed to from now on!

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