A Lockdown Birthday

Lockdown 3 - Day 24

Today I celebrated a lockdown birthday, and what a lovely day it was!

Alan took the day off work so I booked National Trust tickets to go to Sheffield Park and Gardens, and I prepared a posh picnic to have in Bertie Bus.

I opened my cards (including two fabulous home made cards from Kate & Diane) and presents in bed. I also received a lovely Prosecco painting that Cara did for me, and although it wasn’t for my birthday, it arrived yesterday so I saved it to open today.

We’d booked tickets for 10.30am so we left quite early as I wanted to nip to Sainsbury’s on the way.. it was quite foggy and damp, but one advantage of the weather was that it was very quiet, I’ve never seen the car park so empty. It actually brightened up and we spent a couple of hours in the gardens, we were serenaded by a Robin and then had lunch in Bertie Bubble in the car park - it was really lovely and felt like a bit of normality (see my extras).

In the evening we had an Indian takeaway and then retired to the Palace with a bottle of Prosecco - what more could a girl ask for during lockdown?

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