By lizzie_birkett


We took Bella up Haw Lane this morning. It was such a bitterly cold wind it made my face hurt.
I don't know if you can see on the photo how the ponies' hair is being blown about. We bumped into a couple we've got quite friendly with - Karl and Fran with their chocolate Lab, Buttons. We always have a bit of a laugh with them and Bella tries to get Buttons to play but he isn't that kind of dog.
We didn't go far - just there and back so to say :-)

It will be a day for sitting by the fire, reading the paper, knitting and drawing. Frank's lovely warming soup for lunch with the bread I baked the other day and froze. Tea and bikkies/flapjacks this afternoon.

Enjoy your weekend Blipfriends.


PS. We just had rhubarb crumble and ice cream for dinner - well, why not!

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