The moody look of homeschooling

Registered Harp for nursery today. I'm hoping things will be relatively normal come August time . I can't believe she will be going. But she really needs it socially. Education wise she's spot on. We're now doing number recognition up to 100. She can recognise and match the numbers or find the ones that are the same. I make a game of it .

Anytime my door has went the last couple of days, the Jedi comes and clings to me and cries. I think he thinks I'm leaving him. Hence the reason I didn't call the doctors today. I will tomorrow morning.

The boy's have had a good day. We all went outside for a while and played in the street.
I had a few nurses come and pick up their prints today . It's actually so good to be able to chat to another human being.

I'm now making a late dinner and then I will head to bed with some painkillers.

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