Hot Choccie!

Only a couple of days after telling you how virtuous I’ve been feeling about drinking lots of water I’m now posting a photo of the delicious hot chocolate I consumed for morning tea this morning.  I’m happy to report that I did share the fruit loaf with ME, so that made me feel a lot better!!  Life’s too short to worry about the odd Hot Choccie :))

I have just heard terrible news from Western Australia.  They are experiencing horrendous bushfires in the hills district on the outskirts of Perth and at last report 58 homes have been destroyed in the past 24 hours.  This news come on top of 80% of the state having to go into Lockdown after a Quarantine Security Guard tested postive to the UK strain of the COVID-19 virus.  My thoughts and prayers are with all of my blip buddies and my family in WA.

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