Imbolc Snowdroips

One of those 'in between' festivals, Imbolc is celebrated between the first and second of February and marks the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Sacred to Brigid - a busy triple goddess connected with healing, fertility and blacksmithing!

The snowdrops are in full splendour now, carpeting the gardens and roadside verges all around the village. Perhaps today it really felt like an anticipation of spring; I even took my coat off during our walk! Woodpeckers were busy above our heads and the goldfinches in the still seed-headed field margins.

Happy eighteenth birthday to The Druid Network, too. How time flies, and the little online resource we put together back then has come of age. I'll raise a drink to Bridie and to TDN tonight... after all, the delivery driver has just dropped off another bottle shaped box. ;-)

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