
By Mindseye

Witches helmet?

We slept well......alarm call this morning as I had a dentist appointment in Manchester.
Hub woke feeling ok.....breakfast was cornflakes, toast & marmalade and a cuppa.
I got myself ready and left hub in bed, eith daughter on whatsapp standby for regular check ins :-)

The drive into Manchester was relatively quiet. The car park was very quiet and the city centre was positively deserted......as you can see from todays blip! I think I encountered two people from the car to the dentist, not that I am complaining.....and I was masked up of course, as was my dentist! No problems with my teeth or gums, next check up in May.

I did check on hub he was ok, requested Mcdonalds for his lunch en route home. As i had been quite quick, I did stop and pick up a Costa for myself. I asked hub if daughter & granddaughter fancied a lunch treat too.....well of course they did! i also went to fill up the car with diesel whilst I was out.

Dropped daugthers order off, then home, a quick 10 mins in an already hot oven, before we enjoyed ours too :-) Obviously mine had no calories in it :-0 Post arrived, a jiffy bag containing yet another treat, from my sis this time :-) Hub had had a call from The Christie whilst I was out, his CT scan is booked for this Saturday morning....that means appointments on 3 out of 4 days, but hopefully a free couple of weeks after that!

We've lazed around all afternoon, hubs almost horizontal in his reclining chair lol ;-) Just discussing what we might have for dinner tonight.....nomcloser to deciding at the mo!

Our two teams play each other tonight, quite glad we dont have BT Sport, no friction ;-)
Be happy whoever wins to be honest ;-)

Youngest son has had a bit of a problem with his vision, been to St Pauls Eye walk in....nothing to be worried about thankfully, his focusing should sort itself out in a day or two. Spoke to him earlier, he feels its a bit clearer than yesterday, so hopefully will be better again tomorrow!

Really sad to hear of Capt. Sir Toms' passing today......may he RIP.

Keep on staying safe folks x

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