All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Frosted Eliburn Park

Ethan and I often meet up with my friend Lesley, her wee boy Logan, her friend Sandra and son Adam on a Wednesday morning. The usual plan is to go to soft play but as it was a gloriously sunny, if frosty morning, we decided to take the boys to Eliburn Park instead.

It was one of those days that was cold but if you got a spot where the sun was shining it actually felt really warm. So lovely to be out in the fresh air and seeing the boys charging around, clearly enjoying themselves too.

After a 4.50am wake up from Ethan though (he snoozed on and off after then coming into our bed ...I didn't!) and all that fresh air, he was then knackered. After lunch he napped in the pushchair and I had to wake him up to take him to nursery. I then spent the 2.5 hours he was there at the post office buying a new tax disc, the weekly shop at Sainsbury's and putting it all away back home before charging back to the nursery to pick him up on time. I seem to do something similar most Wednesday afternoons ... there surely has to be a better use of these 2.5 hours of "me time"!

We stopped off at our local playpark on the way back from nursery with the intention of staying there to see hubbie driving up the hill from work. Turns out he was working late but hadn't told me he hadn't left the office yet so that plan was quickly abandoned as it was far too cold to hang around waiting over an hour there for him!

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