All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Ethan and I went down to Bubbles this morning, to co-incide with Eden's swimming lesson. I put Ethan in the supervised soft play there while I watched Eden's lesson with Foreveryoung. Ethan was thrilled when he realised 2 of his favourite friends were also in soft play - a complete coincidence!

The 4 of us walked over to The Centre afterwards to buy dinner in M&S. We took a detour through McArthur Glen, where Ethan and Eden cadged pennies off me to throw in the fountain.

Nursery in the afternoon for Ethan, from which I had to pick him up early to take him to his first football lesson at Craigswood. He gave big grins when he realised Grandpa was with me! He has been so excited about the football. When the doors to the hall were opened, he went dashing straight in without waiting to be asked, even though he has never been before! I think it helped that his wee pal Lucinda goes to these classes too.

Hubbie and I had forgotten that we'd arranged for a Thomas Sanderson rep to come round to give us a quote for shutters for the living room window. He arrived just as I was about to dish up dinner, so fortunately Grandpa was able to eat with Ethan while we had to wait till 2 hours later! We knew the shutters wouldn't be cheap but were horrified at the initial quote of over £4k just for a bay window! Needless to say, the rep left without a sale!

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