Woke up to snow this morning

and boy was it deep, but it soon started to melt during the day and a lot turned to slush on the roads. although there is still a lot left, but first thing the cars were getting stuck on the main road hills (there's a few steep ones round here, busses sliding all over. we didn't go out in the car we had a local walk with the dogs.

Later this afternoon we walked round for our Covid vaccinations, it was well run, with Garforth Lions marshalling outside, then we had a lovely nurse who took the details and we had a good laugh with her she then gave us our cards. Then into the doctor who was our local doc Doctor Hurst who gave us our jabs, ours was the Phiser Biontec vaccine. We sat in the waiting room for our 15 mins then home for a coffee. All done and dusted so to speak, she said we would hear from them between 3 and 12 weeks for the second one. A feeling of getting somewhere at last. It will be 3 weeks though before the vaccine will have built up the anti bodies and still to be careful until the second dose and three weeks after that.

You feel like the pups when they go for their first vaccination, still not allowed out only in the garden until after the second one. lol

Sad to hear Captain Sir Tom has passed away. He was quite a character. He had a good life though.

Thats it for now, excitement over for the day. 

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