
Decided to destroy this envelope, i have no idea why its not something she usually does but she had great fun pulling it to bits.

A lot milder today most of the snow has now gone so a nice walk this morning. Chatted with a lady i often see when out walking. I dont know her but its nice to have a natter. Social distancing of course

The mystery of the unsigned christmas card has now been resolved. When I sent her birthday card i also wrote to my friend Wendy (we have been friends since we were 11) and asked her if Dr Gillian who used to go to the art club we went to had a spotty dog called Charlie. I got a letter back this morning to say she had got a birthdsy card from Gillian telling her she looked after her sons dog most days and he is called Charlie. So mystery solved.
We call her Dr Gillian because before she retired she was a GP and so was her husband at the same practice so to stop confusion in the surname being the same she was referred to as Dr Gillian and he was Dr David and its always stuck.

I haven't got a sore arm today. Good old dad, i did what he said, and did windmill actions with my arm after the jab and few times later and did some physio as well. Up to press i am feeling fine. Hope all you who have had it are ok too. You read such a lot about side effects.

Thats all for now folks

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