Dream House
It’s not really my dream house but a place I like very much. This house at the top of our hill looks out on a wonderful view (extra) of fields and the distant Blue Ridge and used to be lived in by our good friends who’ve since moved into DC.
W. and I walked the hill at dusk. The hour previous, daughter I. had been in a Zoom interview for a university she’s interested in. We’d practiced together and she was nervous, but she has so much to say and share. After the interview she came dancing down the hall, so happy it was over and (she thought) had gone well, and that she’s now finally done with the long application process. So much energy I could practically see sparks flying from her fingertips. We were all happily keyed up, and the hill felt great to tackle. So quiet coming back down, just a small flock of geese and the crunch of occasional ice chips underfoot.
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