Sunbeams (Day 2082)

First on the list this morning was doing battle with the shower screen. The shower tray is an "offset quadrant" - basically a rectangle with a rounded off corner 1200mm x 900mm which means the enclosure is fairly big too. Shower enclosure designers have never had to put one together in a bathroom. Even with the assistance of the customer, it was still time consuming and difficult to get it all together and lifted onto the tray before I could secure it in place. I wouldn't have managed to do it on my own. It took most of the morning to get it fitted, secured in place and sealed.
After lunch I got the shower valve fitted and spent the rest of the afternoon clearing out of the bathroom, tidying and re-loading the van, stopping to take the obligatory shot of the view while I was out at the van.
It was good to get away from the job a bit earlier than I have lately, and drive back across the island in daylight.
Tomorrow, before I get the boat home to my beautiful wife, I have a job to do in the place I have been staying.

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