Glory Days...

By emkingcol

Day 2 '@' the Olympia

When a man takes to the stage in a cowboy hat and a tshirt that says 'I love social media', you know you are in for a yawnfest.

Now, this seems to be a common theme throughout the last two days at the various seminars. How and why we should use linked in, twitter, tweet deck, Facebook, Pinterest and every other online fad going to develop our businesses.

Unfortunately, what they don't say is how you actually squeeze all this in amongst your real work and secondly how they will make you any money!

It does seem that the recruitment industry has lost track of what really works and have replaced it with 'likes', connections and tweets!

Surprisingly, after wading through the bullshit, the man was actually quite interesting and we will certainly look to embrace sm a little more without losing track of reality.

Overall, an exciting and informative couple of days.

Looking forward to work tomorrow now:)

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