Above the madness

I needed fuel. Lichfield seems to be trying to take advantage of lockdown to undertake major road works and fibre installation. In theory that’s fine, but since people are not “staying at home”, it just means we have gridlock and queues. It took forever and I was fed up just sitting there behind long lines of vehicles. 

I decided that, as I’d got the car out and after all that,  I should treat myself to a short wander in a healing place.

Gentleshaw Common.
High up on Cannock Chase.
An Area of Special Natural Beauty.

It’s misty and murky down here.
High up it was stunning. The light and colours were wonderful.

But the mud was horrid. As I’d gone on impulse I wasn’t wearing my big boots. ☹️. Trying to avoid the worst bits I got a bit lost (not much. Just overshot the outdoor classroom) Avoiding the bog and mud, I forgot that the brambles and roots were worse.

I nearly fell over twice as my feet got caught up and I was off balance.

So this morning I was so lucky in more ways than one.

Stay safe. 

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