Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Bellanoch Viewpoint

Yet another amazing day weatherwise and not quite so cold in the afternoon.Some very good light on the hill same as yesterday down at Loch Lomond , and the same problems with the fading light in the distance over the hills, looked almost like a summer heat haze.

We headed out to the Bellanoch viewpoint , this time parked the car at the locked gate. What's this all about? A gate to the forest walk leading up to the viewpoint which has new information boards for visitors to the place. Don't they want us there?

Anyway, I digress. We had a wonderful meander uphill, got to the top and off course most of the view was obscured by scrub which had been allowed to become extremely overgrown, not even the tallest of people could have got a decent omage , through or over the scrub. So it had to be a crazy , but very careful , scramble up to a higher point above the various trees and bushes obscuring the view. The small trees you see at the base of the image are all growing around the edge of the viewing space so you can see why we had to get above them.
I particularly liked the gnarled and moss covered tree on the right of the blip which might be worth a larger look if you have time.Wishing I had also taken a shot with just the tree.

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