Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Blue Tit...

...And some signs of shoots.

Many thanks for all the lovely comments yesterday. What a splendid  community this is. I should have said that yesterday. I think it every day.

I posted my first blip back in September 2010. I intended to aim for a year of entries, which I managed, without a break. Since then, I have given myself a little less pressure and dipped in and out somewhat. 
Lots has happened over the ten years. A few bereavements, a house move (from Oxfordshire to Derbyshire; loving it me Duck, or 'me owd', I have been corrected. My origins are in the Black Country, so in Derbyshire I'm a bit nearer 'home')... 
The usual things have interrupted blipping, but not photography. Sometimes life has taken over. I realise, now, that I should probably have continued, but simply switched off comments. Never mind. It was what it was. 
Since my latest return (who am I, a Spice Girl?) I am probably relying upon a phone for images more (camera paraphanalia is heavy!) so the 'camera' element of blipping (which is why I signed up) has taken a back seat. I hope to make more effort on that front in future.
Nuff said. (Clearly, from today's effort I haven't made much of a good start). 

The blue tit was taken from an upstairs window (the window was open) but it was a long shot. (We still have odd remnants of snow, so the window didn't stay open very long). 

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