Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Sky and The Garden

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Well, after the past two days of blipping shoes, I am sure everyone is waiting with great anticipation for my next pair of shoes. I had to restrain myself; to fight the urge to reach to the top of the closet shelf; to not unveil the next pair. Everyone, however, will have to wait, but there will be more. If nothing else, I will give you a future blip of the wedding heels!

Today the sky and the gardens demanded attention. So I pointed my lense and clicked, and clicked, and clicked. I know -- if I were a true photographer I would select just one. Hopefully someday I'll mature into that ability, but not today.

Today I addressed Easter cards and graded student papers while looking out the window toward that scene in the bottom right corner, and when I took Bob dog to the groomer, while I was driving the clouds were too big to ignore. Then late in the afternoon when I was not confident that I had captured anything with my camera, I walked into the backyard where the amaryllis had multiplied, the first yellow rose was visible, and the flowers in the "trumpeter" tree (brugmansia hetty kraus) will soon be wilted and gone. When they were all loaded into the computer, I fell in love with each one. Since this is my blip, I decided to do a combo photo.

We had just enough rain this morning to wet the sidewalks. We're hoping for more.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie, (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. This was back-blipped after Blipfoto would not open last night!

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