Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

What a day! 
Took the bus in the afternoon, to meet up with a friend at a garden center. I took the bus I used to go with to work, but stayed on it for a while longer. When I got off the bus, the whole area had changed! Lots of apartment buildings with flats and companies of different kinds. Many years ago, I worked at the Swedish Medical Products Agency and it was then situated at a couple of minutes walking distance up this road. It has moved, many years ago, to a building across the street. But, there were trees and fields and a really nice path through some forest, passing by a kinder garden and a fire station and then you got to another area of town were the garden center is. That forest is almost gone... 
I walked slowly, but I got the my destination and my friend. We looked around the garden center and they have many beautiful flowers and fun plants. I'm getting my geraniums at my previous workplace though. I found the 17 tulips I'd wanted, and a vase which was included in the special offer. Not the vase in the add... which got me a bit grumpy actually... The one I got is nice too, but the other one was really nice! Oh, well...

My friend live not far away from the Garden center, so I walked with her to catch a bus, to meet up with my bus home. Funny enough, she lives almost at the same street my family and I lived at when I was little. I need to ask mum what number, so I can go and see it. :)

Ok, so... in the town I live, we are now told to have face masks on when we travel by bus or train during certain hours. So, I had a face mask with me and while waiting for the bus I put it on... and immediately my glasses got foggy... Cold outside, a bit stressed because the bus ticket app didn't work and I couldn't see through the fog... Then getting on the bus, trying to breath so the glasses didn't become milky's bad enough coming from a cold outside to a warm inside! The glasses get foggy so fast! 
I got off the bus, and walked to another bus stop. Foggy glasses and face mask I saw a bus coming. I saw a number 2 through the fog and thought it wasn't my bus because that had passed 3 minutes ago. Turned around and saw my bus passing... So annoying! Fortunately another came within 10 minutes, but just to see it pass...  the number 12 in several places, lit up.. Got home ok and really tired after this outing. Really fun to see and talk with my friend, so it was worth the trouble! And, the tulips are lovely. And the winter forest we walked through was really lovely. :)  

Almost forgot the 30 days of gratitude challenge! 
5. What food are you most grateful for?
I guess it's the food of today... must say the veggie and sausage dish I made this evening was really nice, but I think I'm mostly grateful for my morning scones, fresh from the oven. And, I have some left for tomorrow!

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