B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT

Post it’s

Where would we be without a sticky note? Seriously, think about the inventor of this very popular item. What was the note that he/she needed so badly to be affixed to the desk or wall or fridge? Whatever it was, I am forever grateful for the invention.

I worked for the majority of the day catching up on items in my “to do” folder. Using many post it notes as I went along. Feeling accomplished this evening as I have a plan to make even more headway tomorrow and maybe have some playtime (shopping) in the afternoon.

I am forever grateful for the support of my family. Working two full time jobs is no easy task, but they help out and are respectful when I need a quiet house in which to concentrate.

Update on dog- he seems to be back to normal. We have a vet appointment for next week to rule out any ongoing issues we may need to be aware of.

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