B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT


Mace scared us last night. Not sure what he suffered from but it appeared that he had a mini stroke or small heart attack. He was seemingly fine, happy spunky guy. He had turned in around 8ish like he always does, sleeping happily beside me as I worked at my desk. Until I heard a thump, I looked over and he had slid off his bed and was laying on the floor quivering ( shaking mainly in his back legs). Thinking it was a Charlie horse or muscle cramp I started to massage his leg... but then I heard his shallow rapid breathing (his tongue was not out as if he were hot). Concerned and worried, I called Colby in to watch him as I did some research online. Seems it could’ve been anything from being lame from playing in the snow to a stroke to a heart attack. He certainly was not himself for the rest of the night. I did manage to give him some baby aspirin and he was still not right this morning. It was noon or so before he started acting more like himself.

A vet appointment has been made and we’ll do bloodwork to better understand what that was. I know one thing, it was scary. Poor guy!

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