Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Warmed Sunrise

It was another late start today, but this time I was up before my lady wife. Still a fair rush to get out for the train though. At one point I noticed a golden glow coming through the (frosted) bathroom windows, so went to the study, which has an east-facing window. OMGWOWCLOUDS! ... Run to grab camera. Damn wrong lens. Take off telephoto, put on 20mm. Run out the back and out onto the deck. Take photo. Hmmmm...

... those are cool colours, but not really what it looks like. Switch white balance from auto to "daylight" or whatever it is. Take another photo. Thaaaaaaat's it.

And this is it large. I do think it's worth the look.

Busy day at work today, but I managed (perhaps somewhat ruthlessly) to keep abreast of typed letters or file notes for all of them, so no catch-up needed at the end of the day. Rather pleased with myself. The GPs in the Mountains won't blimmin' know what's hitting 'em: they're actually getting information from the mental health service about their patients. xP

My lad brought home an award today, for "remebering the 5 Ls of listening, and trying hard with all his work. 8) He got it in front of the school assembly, and was very proud, the sweet lad. 8) Missy-moo told us about the lunchtime "recorder club", which she said she is in - and she seemed very pleased with that. 8)

I have to go now: there's more "A Clash of Kings" to be read.

Oh, and here's the "auto" white balance version of today's blip.

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