
By Dee49

Cadbury faith

Sorry folks.
I've turned off my comments (I think!) and am giving blip a break. Because I'm in avoidance mode, it's not fair to expect comments when I'm leaving none of my own. (Y'all know how I feel about this I'm sure :)

I tend to use humour to get me through the tough times but I'm finding it really difficult over the last couple of weeks to pick myself back up to 'normal'. And I just can't do doom n gloom. I'd rather go into hiding and wait it out.

I just feel, since losing the job that I really enjoyed and was so proud of myself for getting, the knock-on effect that happened financially because I had a job, and then again when I didn't..... Xmas stress, birthdays, car insurance, heating oil.... job hunting..... along with everything else life throws at you... Lets just say it's been a stressful couple of months.

Thanks to all for your comments on Neve's birthday blip. She had a lovely day. I don't feel like a good mum right now though. My girls can be a handful. It's usually a riot in my house, and not always the fun kind. So don't go thinking I'm some sort of Earth Mother type coz I'm so not. I mean, my kids wouldn't be such a handful at times if I was that great right?! I wanted to clear that up coz I feel like a fraud lol! I guess I feel I'm failing with motherhood too right now.

So anyhow, I'm fine, (haven't lost it quite yet y'know :) I've been through much worse and kicked myself in the butt and picked myself back up,
.... but I'm just......

..... hibernating for a while. (Although I'm hoping chocolate will help :)

Ps: I'll miss all your supportive comments, general thoughts and banter but also 'your' stories that you all tell so well through your own blips too :)

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