
When stuck for a blip revert to upside down mobile phone picture.

Been busy today for a lockdown Sunday. Made a batch of cookies, made a curry for tonight, batch cooked a load of rice - some for tonight and some to freeze. I like to have rice ready to go if we have a curry so I like to cook, cool quickly and freeze.

Groomed dogs, had a long chat with my friend in Worcester and spent sometime on my computer and did some 'playing' with my recently bought Topaz software. For now I've given up on Photoshop so I thought I'd have a 'play' with Topaz Mask. I've added an extra of my very basic attempts, two pictures taken this year. I know the 'purists' probably won't approve, but 'baby steps'. Considering I didn't expect it to work I think it did an ok job. Not a competition entry, and a lot wrong with it, but I was pleased.

Headed out for a walk late afternoon to try and find a blip, it was freezing, a real wind-chill out there, and in the end (As above) I quickly used my phone.

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