PreTeens, Prayer And Promises
It was a special day at FBC. Our pre-teens Had just finished up a week-end of Discipleship Now and we, as a congregation, joined in prayer over them, that the truths they had learned would be deeply rooted in their lives and an anchor in their lives during troubled times. Before we did that, Debbie blessed the traditional music service with a sweet medley of hymns about prayer and its importance in our lives as Christ-followers. After we had prayed for the pre-teens, our interim pastor, David Smith spoke to us from Proverbs 3:1-10, laying out five resolutions that we, as believers, can put into practice and five corresponding promises from God, if we keep those resolutions. We closed the service with a new member and a chance for each of us to nominate by ballot those we felt God had impressed upon our hearts as candidates for the pastor search committee. The process of searching out the man God has already planned for us continues......
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