
By TBay

Ritz hairy pony.

The ponies are in and probably a bit more snug too. There is a biting wind here today. The horses are still out and well rugged up. Ritz as in the picture and Fruity are enjoying the fact they gat a feed in the evening. Not that I am saying they are greedy ponies!

They day started off with Little Miss being delivered to us for breakfast before the home schooling with me starts. Harry was whisked away to the hospital to have his poorly hand dressed . He was not a happy camper and screamed his head off. At the hospital they did not make life any better as they had to remove the dead skin from his hand and scrub it to make sure it was clean and dusty infected. Apparently that made him scream even more poor little chap. However once it had been dressed all was well and by the time he was home he was his usual happy self. He will have to have it dressed again in a few days time.

Home schooling was hard work today with a tired and very inattentive Little Miss. By lunch time I gave up the unequal struggle and we called it a day. Tomorrow we start all over again!! Can’t wait.

Harry then decided he wanted to spend some time with us he spent an hour or so with us asking the question ‘why’ every two or three words!

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