The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Old School

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince and I were talking about school days in the 80’s with The Mini Princesses today. Remember Chemistry labs with the gas taps for Bunsen burners? There was always some eejit (a boy) who lit the gas straight out of the tap and it up full to see how far the flame would go. The aim was not to get caught by the teacher but from memory, this had a 0% success rate. The Mini Princesses were absolutely aghast and seemed further bewildered that their parents had made it to adulthood. They were even more shocked when The Prince told them about a pair of twins in his class who were expelled for building up a stash of stolen chemicals from school with the intention of making a bomb. To blow up the school.

We had a zoom catch up with Kitty Cat and Marsh tonight. It seems that the biggest safety threat in Marsh’s school days was his Chemistry teacher, Mr Wills who:

* Accidentally set fire to a pupil’s bag whilst demonstrating how fire extinguishers work

* Borrowed a gold bracelet from a pupil to demonstrate that gold doesn’t dissolve in one certain acids. Turned out that the bracelet wasn’t pure gold!

* Ended up with a class of 20 needing medical attention for bromine poisoning!

Actually, maybe it is a miracle we all made it to adulthood!


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