Not A Snow Shot

It's not a bird shot either.
But I did take a few of both today it has to be said.

It was lovely blue skies and lots of snow first thing and I nipped out to clear the front path and put out more food for the birds..
Within a period of about 5 minutes it went from lovely blue skies to whiteout -- and that is how it has been most of the day.

Luckily the birds managed to hunt out the seed I had put down for the ground feeders even thought it had been covered in double quick time.
Of course, the Magpies had to get in on the act too and one one of them has already learnt that it can get the seed under the cover by turning its head.

My wee pall the Robin came very close to being the lead shot, but I thought I would go for something completely different ---- the window at the top of my neighbour's stairs (I liked the colour of the vase in the sun).

If you start at the Thrush and finish at the Magpie you will get a sense of what my day was like (apart from the snow shovelling).

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