Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Yes that is a cat ...

Not some creature from the Alien movie . He has his eyes closed .. a fluffy black cat is hard to photograph with its eyes closed ...
Yes my bed is unmade because I stripped it today in a fit of ‘let’s get shit done ‘ .. then I left it , went back a significant time later ( not having got shit done) and Peter the B****d and Penny the cankle cat were asleep on it .. I never move the cats .. they make mental notes about it and we will suffer at a later date ... I made white chocolate and cranberry cookies today ... did a 6 mile walk .. wandered around the house muttering and then watched 5 episodes of How to get away with murder from the 1st series ... it’s quirky so I’ll keep going .

PS - despite Peter having a rude name he is much loved ... most people would have had him stuffed by now .. 1.8kg of menace .....

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