Another snowy scene

#2 daughter was 46 yesterday so we worked out a way she could drive up to see us today for a walk. (She took a day’s leave). She lives almost an hour away so it’s not allowed to travel. However she did a big food shop for us so if stopped by police she had a reason for the journey. (Elderly parents couldn’t go into shops due to Covid and they couldn’t master on-line shopping either. Untrue but anyway no harm done and it was such a treat to see her, not to mention good for our mental health).

Here she is taking a photo of the view over to Simonside. We managed 5 miles with a picnic stop before she had to leave to pick up the boys.

I had another busy night last night. This time my role was to go for South Downs walks with Virginia Woolf. I knew I was not going to do a good job as she was walking with big stones in her pockets. I woke up before the inevitable happened. Then I dreamed #2 daughter’s boys ran in the back door (not done that for almost a year) and hugged me (also not done for a year).

More and more people have been jabbed. Oh and Mr C got safely back from taking Chris to the hospital yesterday.

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